Thursday, September 9, 2010

This is an open letter to Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf

Your efforts to build the Cordoba House near Ground Zero have set back relations with the US non Muslim population in a way as to cause irreparable harm. You see this as a way of demonstrating Muslim tolerance but most of us see it as Muslim arrogance. You look at it as a way of bringing people together and we see it as an attempt to build a “Victory Temple at Ground Zero”. I don’t expect you to understand this but most Americans experience their understanding of Islamic beliefs on the evening news.

We see daily bombings carried out world wide in the name of Islam. Women stoned to death for what we would consider to be a civil matter. Beheadings of innocent people simply because they were non Muslims or God forbid Jews. Muslims dancing in the streets of Gaza because four Israeli Jews were murdered. On a daily basis Muslim extremists bent on murdering their fellow American citizens are arrested in the US. And of course the murder of 3,000 innocent people on Sept 11, 2001; which resulted again in Muslims dancing in the streets worldwide chanting Allah Akbar. Our experience of Islam is as a “barbaric, alien stone age religion” that is the primary cause of world wide strife and it rightly scares the Hell out of us.

We do not see the tolerance in Islam that you proclaim and your actions are interpreted by many of us as arrogance. Wake up before any more harm is done: Apologize to the American people and build the dam center out of sight of Ground Zero.

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