Sunday, January 19, 2014

History of homo Sapiens

This is a reply I sent to a friend about human history based on  modern scientific studies in Biological Anthropology. The references to  Denisovans and Asiatic Hominids is based on anthropological  and DNA findings uncovered within the last 10 years in arctic Russia and Indonesia. Recent DNA studies also show that Homo Sapiens interbred with Neanderthals which was contrary to previous  beliefs of most Biological Anthropologists.
Whoever wrote the article didn't know much about what scientists believe about human history. The ages of Homo Sapiens are usually denoted by historians as:
Precognition Era started approx. 10 million years ago when Hominids and most of the other great ape species diverged from a common ancestor. It is usually denoted as the last common ancestor. We were still at this time indistinguishable in behavior from other great apes except we had evolved upright walking.
Cognitive Revolution approx. 70,000 years ago when  Sapiens either developed language or at least greatly enlarged their tool making skills. This is the first time that hominid species (Denisovans, Neanderthals, Homo Sapiens and some of the Asiatic variants) exhibited complex social skills (control of fire, cooking and hunting). We were also no longer a major source of food for the great predators of that time (Ex Saber Toothed Tigers).
Agricultural Revolution 13,000 years ago when Homo Sapiens (most other Sapient variations had already died off). It was at this time when we started to transition from hunter gatherers to farmers and herders. Livestock was domesticated at this time and the first great cities arose. This also resulted in human stature decreasing because of the poorer diet which was a direct result of reliance on a small number of domesticated crops
Industrial Revolution occurred sometime between 1760 and 1840 depending on what part of the world you lived in.
Modern Era  (Contemporary History) ~1920 to 1945 depending on which technology and or what social behaviors  you emphasize. It was at this time that science became the dominating driver of most human endeavors.
Post Homo Sapien Age ? ; when evolution is no longer the determining driver of human behavior. Some historians believe we have already entered that time with our advances in genetic science. For example we have substantially increased the intelligence of a strain of mice by bio-engineering. We are working on changes to our DNA to eliminate diseases such as Alzheimer's, Cancer and a variety of other diseases. How long will it be until we try to change the life span, physical attributes and or the intelligence of humans through genetic modification of human DNA? Computers will ex cede human intelligence within 20 years and robotics will be replaced by humanoid robotics (Androids)  within 50 to 100 yrs. We can now control the motion of artificial limbs by thinking about it and for a good many of us artificial parts are the norm. We are the product of 10 million years of evolution but our future will be determined by Bio Engineering!
Although nuclear war, nasty diseases or global climate change could result in the demise of Homo Sapiens I suspect the above is more likely. The real interesting question becomes what do we do for the next 500 to 1,000 million years until this planet becomes uninhabitable? By any known criteria humans now dominate this planet but we have neither demonstrated the ability to live wisely or peaceably in it.
Tom A

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