Sunday, August 22, 2010

Islam and the Lame Street Media

The LAME street media has determined that 75% of Americans are dupes and bigoted for their opposition to a Mosque at Ground Zero. I personally am amazed at the tolerance of Americans in the face of Islamic idiocy. What face does Islam present to us on a daily basis? The murder of 3,000 citizens because a group of Islamic nut cases were incapable of killing more. A US Army major who murders his fellow soldiers in the name of Islam. A daily indictment of home grown Islamic terrorists. How about the public beheading of Danny Pearl or the weekly parade of honor killings by good Muslims who felt the daughter or wife’s behavior brought shame on their family.

How about the daily murder of people in Iraq and Afghanistan by so called suicide bombers carried out in the name of Allah; with the belief that they will go to heaven and be given a bevy of virgins. Unfortunately it is not simply our problem but a world wide problem. A young girl in Iran is hanged at age 15 for having sex with an older man. In the US we would have arrested the man and sought treatment for the girl. In Iran today there is a woman awaiting a Sharia sentence of being stoned to death. Last week a couple was stoned to death in Afghanistan for adultery. This is Stone Age barbarism.

How about the annual riots in France in areas the police are now afraid to go. Or Holland where a prominent journalist has his throat cut because he dared to question the beliefs of Islam. Even merry old England where on weekly basis the crazy imams curse and vilify the country that gave them shelter. How about the visceral hatred of Jews in the Muslim world. The leadership of many of the Arab countries believes the “Protocol of the Elders of Zion” to be factual, rather than the sick concoction of The Russian Czar’s Intelligence Service. How about the charter of Hamas which is begins with ”In the name of Allah, the Merciful and Compassionate” and then goes on to describe how Muslims have an obligation “to kill the Jews, all of them”. And the leader of Iran tells us that the Holocaust never happened.

Have the Lame street media ever wondered why their opinions have become trivial to the public and there readership in a dramatic decline. They like to pretend it is the internet but how does that explain the increase in readership of the Wall Street Journal or the explosion of Fox News. The truth is they pretend to be the face of reason but ignore reality. The simple truth is: Islam seems to breed a particular brand of insanity that the civilized world left behind 500 years ago. Not all Muslims of course subscribe to this insanity but because they fail to speak out in opposition to it they are assumed to be party to it. It is not the American people who are the fools and dupes it is the sick Lame street media, who dares to call us racist.

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