Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stupidity Reigns in the Lame Street Media

Just when I conclude the dopes in the Lame Street Media have bottomed out in their stupidity, I open my Sunday paper and what are the lead stories? A laid off art teacher in New Britain is going to be hired back and a Murder trial in New London will start jury selection Sept 7 after an eight year delay. Then on page 4, I find that their were two rallies in Washington DC one lead by Glen Beck and one by Rev. Al Sharpton of Tawana Brawley fame. The two rallies are intercom pared as if they were comparable; except for one glaring difference, one is attended by at most 2,500 and one is attended by over 300,000+. This may in itself be a record for attendance at any event in Washington’s history.

Given the attendance at Beck’s rally (300,000 +) there was obviously something important that the crowd expected to hear. The article sums this up by stating “Beck makes a call for renewal while Sharpton decries setting, timing”. Is that all there was; or are we once again treated to shameless media bias of the Lame Street Media? I suppose the same reporter would have proclaimed, “The Ford theatre performance was sold out and President Lincoln was shot.

It is becoming more and more evident that the disconnect between the so called media elites and the population is such that one side finds itself totally incapable of comprehending what the other believes. That is a sad state of affairs in that we do need a vigilant media to maintain the trust of the population for the government. When that fails we are likely to experience a change for the worse in our Republic. Unfortunately I see no evidence that is likely to change any time in the future and given the publics mistrust of the media; that does not bode well for our future.

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